Monday, July 27, 2015

Blue Moon Ritual

Blue Moon Ritual  -  Release and Call In 

Over the last several months/weeks/years, you have been receiving little messages or small feelings of aching to change in certain area's of your life.
This blue moon is a giant exit sign asking you to release the old story and keep the focus on your big dream.
What area's in your life no longer feel comfortable? Where are you ready to bring in this new story? What needs to change within you?
On the 31st or starting on the 30th, make a list of what you are ready to release . Where are you yearning for healthy action? This is not a should list but a deep soul searching list of where you are ready for change.
I recommend making two copies. One to save and one to burn. As always, ask for this work to be done with ease. None of us need any more struggle after the last few months.
Let go, release and sit with it. This is powerful work we are doing.
Additional homework-
We have been working on our big dream over the last few new moons. So let's finish this big release with calling in the new story. Rewrite the big dream list with this new releasing energy. Some items may no longer feel right. Replace them with new items that make you want to dance from joy. Take time to think about this list after your magical release work. Really feel where your big dream is at this time. Rework the list and feel excited.
With a magical blue moon release like this we don't want to get stuck in the old story. We want to use this energy to propel us forward.
We won't have another blue moon for several years so let's release what no longer serves us and focus on what makes our heart and spirit feel loved and excited.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


While I build my dream around Ritual Coaching I must keep my day job.  At this point in my life I don't mind having to work two jobs.

I am grateful for my current job.  I truly am.

And yet, I can feel this new life building.  I can feel the excitement and the energy behind the work I am being called to do.  I can see it in my client's faces after our sessions.  I can feel it in their hugs.  I know I have found my life's purpose.  I know it because after every session I have with someone I feel peace, love and gratitude.  I am learning as much as my clients.  I am doing the work right along with them.  It's not the same work.  But I am doing work.  We are all evolving and working on things.  I just happen to have discovered a way of tapping into something that has made my life more magical and peaceful and I want to share it with everyone!

I am going to spend Sunday working on a vision board.  There is a lot I want to do this next year. There are a lot of places I want to go to grow Ritual Coaching.  And to infuse new energy into my life.  I need to dream more and take to the vision board to work on it. To bring forth some yummy images of what comes next.

I do know that in 1 week from today I will be flying to the East Coast for a long weekend.  I am going to Boston, Salem and Providence.

Most importantly I will be meeting Hannah Marcotti in person and spending a weekend at the loft!  I am so excited to circle with these amazing and powerful woman and to set the intentions for Ritual Coaching.   I have been part of Hannah's Magic Making Circle for the last six months and I absolutely love it.   I will sheepishly admit I have not had as much time and focus as I have wanted to have for a program of this caliber.  But I am a believer.  The friends I have made from her work and the insights I have received from doing her prompts have changed my life.

I will also be going to Salem on the Blue Moon this month.  This is a special treat for me.  I believe in magic and I believe in the power of women.  Salem has always intrigued me.  The blue moon is the second full moon of the month and is always potent.  When I booked this vacation I had no idea these things fell together but now that I look back I think, of course I picked the blue moon to travel back East. Of course I am flying in early so I can go to Salem on the Blue Moon.  

Because Magic is all around.  If we slow down, we let go and we just do.  We will realize we are not in charge at all.  And this is the most beautiful thing to realize. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

New Start

This morning was perfect.

I woke up an hour early refreshed and it was quiet.   After two weeks of extreme heat for the Northwest, the cloud cover is a welcome change.  I was happy to be up before the construction guys started.  I didn't feel groggy or sleepy.  I finally felt peaceful enough to get out of bed and to sit in my cozy green chair to write my morning pages.

Boy did I have a lot to write about.   I had some pretty intense dreams last night.  They were good.  Lot's of mental sorting and lessons.  Ex's came into my dreams that normally would have made me sad.  Not last night.  There was nothing but the feelings I had when we were together.  With one person it was the feeling of constantly having my boundaries crossed and ignored.   I don't want this person back in my life.  I never liked how much they took over in my world and just walked all over me.  I am sure they never meant too but they did.  It was like a bulldozer.  A selfish narcissistic bulldozer.   The other person was only in my dreams for a moment and it revolved around me putting my life on hold for them.  Our biggest issues was me fighting to keep my dreams moving forward while we were together.  I was determined not to disappear like my previous relationship but this caused issues because they wanted me not to work so hard, not to focus so much on school, not to network as much.

But then I woke up and thought.  That isn't me anymore.  I don't have any connection to these people anymore. I can dream about the past and it no longer hurts me.   I am free of both of these people.


I also sat with the realization that I will soon be waking up without an alarm clock when I am coaching full time.  I will be able to spend my first hour of the morning writing, having a cup of tea and embracing the sunrise.   I will be relaxed all day because I have faith that the universe is providing me with exactly what I need.  The best part, this new chapter is not very far away.   I can see it becoming reality everyday.  I can feel it every morning I wake up and feel so much gratitude and love.

Today feels like a fresh start and I hope everyone has similar feelings because we all deserve to wake up this peaceful and happy.  It is such a great way to wake up!

Monday, July 20, 2015

My Story - My Body

This weekend was perfect!

Sunshine, good friends, clients, parties on rooftop decks, watermelon water, lessons from the Universe and a wonderful photo sent to me this morning by a good friend to help cheer me up.

And now I need a day to just sit because so much happened in the last 48 hrs.  

One important lesson I learned this weekend was to check in with my body.  This sounds so simple but honestly. It's really not a simple thing for me.

Let me explain.
This weekend I met some new people.  I was having a great time getting to know them and I found myself telling funny stories about my love life.  But suddenly I started to noticed where I was feeling uncomfortable in my body and my spirit.  I was having fun but something felt off.   As we moved venues and kept hanging out someone asked me what I did for work.  I then started to tell them about Ritual Coaching and my practice.   All of a sudden the energy shifted.  I felt really comfortable.  I felt strong, beautiful and excited in a way that all afternoon I had not been feeling.   
I ran home to shower between parties and as I was walking down the hallway my guides pointed out to me -
Don't you feel the difference in how much better talking about your story felt than talking about Mr. Bigman's story?  It's time to stop hiding behind men and to really own your life.  It's time for you to shine and to notice what feels good and what does not feel good.   Only talk about what feels good.  Let go of what no longer feels good in your body.

And then I felt a rush of energy. Holy BATMAN! 
I can see how I did this with all my Ex's.  Their story became much more interesting in my life than my own story. So I would focus on them and give up on myself.   Every single time.

But as I was walking down the hallway I heard myself say this.

My story is interesting. 

It feels so good to finally embrace the fact that my story is interesting.  

This is very different than being a straight ego moment.  This is about the self love that I have been missing that is finally returning.  This is not to say I am the most interesting person in the world.  But this is to say that I am returning to myself and realizing how even in things as simple as friendly conversation, I am quick to give up on myself and deny my truth. 

Now comes the hard part.  Change.
I have a sadness today.  Because when I come to realize my story is more interesting than Mr. Bigman's story, I also realized I no longer want to be a part of his story.  I want my own story.  I want a man that is not tied up with an organization that rules his life.  I want a man that wants me for my story and wants to me meet me with his story.  
This sounds so cryptic I know.  But I can't really say much more than it.  His name is Mr. Bigman for a reason. 

So I have to integrate this lesson.  Let the feelings come up.  Let myself be sad about letting go of the old story while I call in my new story.  

Because my new story has me standing in my power and being surrounded by loving and wonderful people that love me for me.  

Friday, July 17, 2015


I am feeling inspired this morning!   

The Universe is whispering sweet messages of change and I can honestly feel my energy shifting.  I have outgrown so many limitations in my life lately.   I am really starting to see and feel the difference.   What was once painful but accepted as life feels wrong and no longer acceptable in my life.  

This is huge!

I am blown away by this realization.  I no longer have to hold onto things out of fear or self hatred.   I can set boundaries and standards and then decide who gets to be in my life.  Instead of feeling desperate, I am feeling confident about my life.  This has also changed my story.   I no longer feel the need to please everyone nor does anyone's opinion matter but my own and those I decide upon.   

Ground Breaking!

And then I read this wonderful article about the upcoming Venus in retrograde and it explains so clearly what I am thinking and talking about.   Venus is talking to us and showing us where we need to change.  She wants us to change in these area's in the most loving way.  That's why I adore Venus. She is not a fighter but that soft energy that is going to guide you to life changing realizations.  And she wants you to change with love and fun.   

So my weekend plans are all about love, friendship, magic and relaxing.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Venus Has Been Whispering To You. Have You Been Listening?

Venus has been coming to me the last two weeks and whispering lessons into my ear.  These have been uncomfortable and life changing.  Nothing dramatic or scary.  But they are big changes.   Venus has been gentle is showing me where I need to change.  Where my heart wants to grow and where I need to let go of my old story.  I love her for this.

On the eve of the new moon I slept for two hours.  But instead of being mad or grumpy at the lack of sleep, I am grateful.   Grateful for my peaceful home where I can listen to trains at night.   Grateful to feel the breeze coming up from the waterway between the lake and the sound.  Grateful for a large deck with a new canopy that allows me to be outside in a cozy space that I am building.  Grateful for a cold bath at 4 am with magical oils to soothe me.

This is where I honor Venus for whispering these lessons to me.  She has shown me lovingly where I can and need to change and that it is safe to make these changes.  It is safe to let go of the old and take that leap of faith.  I am so grateful that I can finally hear these messages and am ready to be guided by them.

I am also in full swing of meeting with my clients again.  It feels so good to be out of vacation mode and up and running in coaching mode.  I love all the changes my clients are working on.  I love the stories and images they send me.  And I love the fact we are not just connecting as people but we are connecting on a soul and energetic level. It makes my heart so very happy. I am learning as much from them as they are learning from me.


Monday, July 13, 2015

New Moon This Week and Radical Self Love

Can you feel it?

I definitely can feel the energy shift.  There are a lot of love and yummy feelings going on.  I am returning to magic and clearing my mind.  Things are opening up.

But there is also a side of reality setting in.  I have made big changes lately and this requires really letting go of things in my life that are no longer working.  And be letting go it means.  I must change and do the work.
Not my favorite thing but it's necessary.

Anything that feels uncomfortable has to leave.  I now realize that these situations are not going to change so I must step away.   This covers work, family, friends, lovers, money.   EVERYTHING is up for change.

So I am spending the next few days writing, reflecting and making lists of what I want to call in for my new life.  I can see it so clearly.

It's been a while since I did magic. So I am excited to be back in the swing of things.

This weekend  I spent  Friday night on a date with myself and Gala Darling's new book - Radical Self Love.   I am so glad I did.   The energy/astrology stuff is a little wonky for everyone right now and this book has help me make a couple of shifts that I have been needing.
Actually, it caused some MAJOR shifts for me. It was just what I needed.
I highly recommend it.  It is a great guide into magical life changing work. And it has content that even a seasoned magic worker needs to read.  It will be on my shelf for a long time.time.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Post Vacation

I took a much needed long vacation and my soul is happy.
I feel relaxed in a way I haven't felt in years.  I work so hard and love what I do but sometimes I forget that I need to recharge and just do nothing.
Plus, now I am ready to tackle a couple of huge projects and add more clients to my calendar.  I am ready to move to the next level in my company plans and I feel excited to take on this work.
And I return with a deeper love of my coaching.   I didn't plan it but all my clients reached out to me at the same time around the full moon.   It was beautiful and perfect!  
We don't realize how affected we are by the moon but now that I am working with clients on a regular basis, I can see it.  New moons and full moons cause shifts in people.  Including myself.
I have come back with a deeper level of self love and love towards my life.   I also have a feeling of peace and security that I have been missing for years.  The universe really is helping me.  I am being guided to this beautiful life and everyday is a choice to see it.
My heart is full!