On the eve of the new moon I slept for two hours. But instead of being mad or grumpy at the lack of sleep, I am grateful. Grateful for my peaceful home where I can listen to trains at night. Grateful to feel the breeze coming up from the waterway between the lake and the sound. Grateful for a large deck with a new canopy that allows me to be outside in a cozy space that I am building. Grateful for a cold bath at 4 am with magical oils to soothe me.
This is where I honor Venus for whispering these lessons to me. She has shown me lovingly where I can and need to change and that it is safe to make these changes. It is safe to let go of the old and take that leap of faith. I am so grateful that I can finally hear these messages and am ready to be guided by them.
I am also in full swing of meeting with my clients again. It feels so good to be out of vacation mode and up and running in coaching mode. I love all the changes my clients are working on. I love the stories and images they send me. And I love the fact we are not just connecting as people but we are connecting on a soul and energetic level. It makes my heart so very happy. I am learning as much from them as they are learning from me.
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