I am grateful for my current job. I truly am.
And yet, I can feel this new life building. I can feel the excitement and the energy behind the work I am being called to do. I can see it in my client's faces after our sessions. I can feel it in their hugs. I know I have found my life's purpose. I know it because after every session I have with someone I feel peace, love and gratitude. I am learning as much as my clients. I am doing the work right along with them. It's not the same work. But I am doing work. We are all evolving and working on things. I just happen to have discovered a way of tapping into something that has made my life more magical and peaceful and I want to share it with everyone!
I am going to spend Sunday working on a vision board. There is a lot I want to do this next year. There are a lot of places I want to go to grow Ritual Coaching. And to infuse new energy into my life. I need to dream more and take to the vision board to work on it. To bring forth some yummy images of what comes next.
I do know that in 1 week from today I will be flying to the East Coast for a long weekend. I am going to Boston, Salem and Providence.
Most importantly I will be meeting Hannah Marcotti in person and spending a weekend at the loft! I am so excited to circle with these amazing and powerful woman and to set the intentions for Ritual Coaching. I have been part of Hannah's Magic Making Circle for the last six months and I absolutely love it. I will sheepishly admit I have not had as much time and focus as I have wanted to have for a program of this caliber. But I am a believer. The friends I have made from her work and the insights I have received from doing her prompts have changed my life.

Because Magic is all around. If we slow down, we let go and we just do. We will realize we are not in charge at all. And this is the most beautiful thing to realize.
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