Ritual Coaching
A blog about a magical lady living in Seattle. Focused on magic, health, her coaching business, and sharing those parts of her and her life that are ready to be seen and known about.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Taking to rituals
This last week has been creative. I have been digging into my soul like soil. Working through the changes and creating rituals every step of the way.
I am changed.
And yet, I am still the same. My life is exactly the same. Farmers market Sunday's, Friday night cocktail night with the gang, parties on Saturday night. I still talk to the same people. See the same faces at my grocery store.
But my soul is different. My spirit is different. The artist is back. She is magical and in creative mode. She is ready to prepare for the next phase. To build up this energy and call in the right next steps.
Let's see where she takes me!
Monday, September 28, 2015
Trying To Put It Into Words

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
This Full Moon Is All About Relationships
I am feeling out where I want to be more vulnerable and beginning to understand the people I want to be vulnerable with. Sometimes knowledge like this requires endings. Or changes in status.
This is where I need the big hug!
My life is becoming one where I need a strong inner circle of friends. I need to be able to be weak, vulnerable and silly with them. I need to be able to make mistakes and not be judged. I need at times someone to coach the coach. Not everyone can be this for me. It's been a hard lesson for me to learn.
But as I grow my company and my dream, I am starting to realize the most amazing people are showing up as I become more authentic and live my dream. These women are strong and beautiful. They see me, believe in me and can hold me. Faults and all. They don't snap at me or tear me down.
I am leaving town tomorrow for 4 days on the East Coast. I will be at a beautiful lake with 35 women celebrating life and community. I will be setting some intentions in nature. I will be spending time with friends from my Blue Moon retreat and I will be meeting new people. I will be loving, crying and growing. And I will be happy because I will be planting more seeds to manifest over the next couple of months.
I am truly grateful for my life.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Today is dreamy
The world is a little more beautiful today. My life is a little more sweeter. My dreams are a little bigger and closer than ever before.
I am so happy about how Monday went. I am feeling truly blessed in life.
Every interaction in life is going deeper than I ever thought possible. There is this magical reason for my every step.
Things get postponed for a reason. Things come to me for a reason. I am making use of what my life is like right now to get closer to where I want to go.
And I am so fucking GRATEFUL!
I have never worked so hard in my life. I have never been so busy and so fulfilled. I have never been so happy and alive and authentic.
Yesterday there were hummingbirds and feathers all around me. Signs that I am not alone in this world. I had people share with me kind stories of how the work I am doing is changing their lives. Truly authentic stories of people around me changing one at a time. My heart was exploding with happiness.
I even had a friend write me to say he wished he could have my enthusiasm for life. I said it's not just mine. All I did was add a formal into the mix that seems to be working for me.
It has made me love life in a way I never have. It has made me so grateful and full of joy.
We were also talking about how Garden State came out 10 years ago. I was flooded with memories of my life 10 years ago. How miserable I was. I was in a dead-end life. I felt like I was slowly dying via quick sand - but it was slow sand. I was in a terrible relationship with someone so cruel and absent. My best friend was dying. I felt stuck, miserable and like I deserved this hell because I was not worthy of anything else.
I remember watching the movie and listening to the music just screaming on the inside, this is not what my life is supposed to be like. Do not settle for this small world. I kept dreaming of the exact life I have right now. I felt so unhappy and uncomfortable in every way. And my spirit kept yelling that I deserved my dreams and so much more.
Fast forward 10 years and WOW. This is exactly what my life is supposed to be like and there is more to come. Magic is back. My dreams are manifesting. I am about to embark on an amazing adventure to the mountains and my dream job and soon I will be traveling the world bringing ritual coaching to many more lives. This is the bigness I always knew I could create. This is the balance of magic and real life I always knew I wanted. And I get to teach and bring magic to people's lives. I get to share all of this with people.
I am so fucking GRATEFUL!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
My Heart Is Full
I hosted my first new moon ritual coaching event last night and I had 11 women show up. More importantly, I had 11 women show up for themselves. They each planted seeds for change in their lives. I was able to guide and witness the start of this. I am so excited and proud of the work we did together.
And I am excited for my own life change.
One year ago my life looked very different than it does now. And I am not even close to where I want to be. But I am so much closer than I was before.
Magic truly does exist and is the most beautiful thing I have ever been a part of.
I will be scheduling more in person events and I am starting to plan a weekend retreat soon. So many changes happening. So much goodness and so much MAGIC.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Big Changes - Beautiful Changes
I have never felt more relaxed and sure of myself.
Two very interesting sentences together. Normally changes cause fear, panic and unhappiness. But these changes I have been working with since last November. These changes have been the basis of my rituals every few weeks for almost a year. These changes feel like coming home. Everything I have been doing and thinking has brought about these exciting changes. Actually, my whole life has brought me to this point. Because these changes are rooted in who I have been since I was kid.
It's just that I finally let my authentic self come forward and the Universe is meeting me half way.
I am also learning the fine art of letting go the need to control, be right or live in ego. I have been working with this lesson since my spine injury and I find that my life has gotten easier with every opportunity to practice this lesson. Now I am being presented with people that want to live that way in my life and I am not having it. I don't want to be controlled, have someone force what they think is right on me or allow their ego to rule our relationship. It simply won't work anymore for me.
So I am letting go and just keeping my side of the street clean. I know the kind of people I need and want in my life. And they are showing up like never before. My heart is so full!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
New Moon Ritual For September - It's all about facing your fears!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
The Future is Calling
Monday, August 31, 2015
When The Magic Comes Back
And somewhat exhausting. I had so many lessons coming down from the Universe that it felt like the month would never end. So many endings. So many deep lessons from within.
But this weekend it all changed.
I woke up Saturday morning early. It finally cooled down here in Seattle and was raining. I decided to take myself out for coffee in the early morning to write. I needed to balance myself out and the only thing I know that truly allows me to feel balanced is writing. As I was enjoying my Italian coffee and sparkling water, I realized what I wanted to do the most on Saturday was spend the day in silence working on my vision board. This is a cork board I had bought myself in March but had yet to do anything with.
Saturday I was moved to finish it. I wanted my vision of my future to finally be put down in images.
I went to the store and bought some magazines and went home to work on my project. Chai Tea, my porch door open while the rain came down and silence. It was perfect. I felt so inspired by the images I was cutting out. They feel so real.
I completed the board and hung it up on my wall. It's so different than if I had completed it in March. It's so much more authentic and on point. I have shed so much since March and have gotten very clear on what I want my future to look like.
Right after I finished the board and lit my magic dream candle next to it, I saw a text from my favorite astrologer. It said something like - the story from March is done. You are now ready for the future.
I looked up the date from March in my journal and saw that this was the exact weekend I bought my vision board cork board. And yet, it took me until this weekend to complete it. I had so many lessons to learn. And I needed to get clear on what my vision for my future looks like beyond just "success".
I spent the rest of the day in a magical space as I realized when I just allow myself to be guided by magical timing. That everything ends up making sense and there is a reason for it.
I could not finish the vision board until this weekend because it would not have been authentic. I would have questioned what I put on it.
But now, if I even attempt to question my vision board, it does not feel right. My vision board feels like my truth. Not my critical ego mind.
But it took me until now to live this truth.
I am so happy the magic has come back in a big way. I am ready for my transformation and to help more people.
Check out my client stories if you are interested in the kind of work I do with people. It's the same work I am doing with myself. We are all magical beings in this life together.