Tuesday, September 22, 2015

This Full Moon Is All About Relationships

If there was ever a time when I needed a hug it would be this week.  Nothing bad has happened.  I am just feeling the upcoming full moon and reflecting on relationships in my life.
I am feeling out where I want to be more vulnerable and beginning to understand the people I want to be vulnerable with.   Sometimes knowledge like this requires endings.  Or changes in status.

This is where I need the big hug!

My life is becoming one where I need a strong inner circle of friends.  I need to be able to be weak, vulnerable and silly with them.  I need to be able to make mistakes and not be judged.  I need at times someone to coach the coach.  Not everyone can be this for me.   It's been a hard lesson for me to learn.

But as I grow my company and my dream, I am starting to realize the most amazing people are showing up as I become more authentic and live my dream.   These women are strong and beautiful. They see me, believe in me and can hold me.  Faults and all.   They don't snap at me or tear me down.
I am leaving town tomorrow for 4 days on the East Coast.   I will be at a beautiful lake with 35 women celebrating life and community.   I will be setting some intentions in nature. I will be spending time with friends from my Blue Moon retreat and I will be meeting new people.  I will be loving, crying and growing.   And I will be happy because I will be planting more seeds to manifest over the next couple of months.

I am truly grateful for my life.


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